I NEVER THOUGHT this day would come. But, after much blood (paper cuts, ok?), sweat, and tears, my contemporary literary novel, Secrets My Mothers Kept, is available for purchase from Amazon. Currently, the book is available as a Kindle ebook. The paperback will be available before end of the year, and available on all ebook platforms in March 2021.
If you want to learn more about this novel, check out my blog post, Secrets My Mothers Kept - A Debut Novel Q & A Post With Rebecca Tucker.
You can find my new book here at a special $2.99 price through Dec 4th:
In addition, the folks at an amazing online digital magazine, Women Writers, Women's Books, asked me to write an article about the inspiration and process behind writing this book. You can read the article, Writing What You Know...With a Twist, on their website.
I'm so excited to share this book with y'all. I hope you enjoy it! As a reminder, if you choose Secrets My Mothers Kept as your bookclub selection, please contact me at RTucker@RebeccaTuckerBooks.com if you'd like me to join your bookclub discussion or afterward for a Q & A session. I would be delighted to set up a Zoom meeting to do so!